Spice up your baby shower with some amusing baby-themed games!   A few games can make the celebration you throw for your baby  exciting and enjoyable.  Games add a little zip to any gathering,  and they help the attendees to feel at ease and get acquainted  with each other. Here are some examples of games you can play:


Have your guests choose two names for the baby. Ask them each to write the names they selected on a piece of paper (and tell them not to tell anyone else what the names are). Then advise them to try to come up with as many words as possible using just the letters from those two names. Words should be of 3 letters or more in length. They have to come up with as many words from these names as possible. Give the guests several minutes to complete this task.

Attendees to a baby shower


When the time is up,  require each guest read only the words they came up with — not the name, and see if all the other guests can figure out what names she wrote down.

Example: Ant – mint – minty – hint –  lint
Answer: Anthony and Michael


Put several cotton balls in a big bowl and put an empty bowl in front of it. One at a time, players should attempt to transfer the cotton balls from one bowl to the other, using a spoon, while blindfolded. Cotton balls are light, so it’s really difficult to gauge how many balls you are scooping up with the spoon. The winner of the game is the player that is able to transfer the most cotton balls to the other bowl within 30 seconds.


Half-way fill a bowl with  uncooked, plain rice, then mix in some closed safety pins. Blindfold the players and have them, one at a time, use one hand to take as much safety pins out of the bowl as possible. The individual who gets the most pins in 30 seconds is the winner. This may sound simple, but in truth, the safety pins feel a lot like the rice.


Request your guests to bring pictures of themselves as a baby to the baby shower. Be very careful with these photos as they are essential keepsakes. Lay each of these pictures next to a number. Give each guest a list of the names of all the other guests and find if they can match the number of each photo to the right guests.

These games are only several of the dozens of games you can play during a baby shower. These games are great for fostering friendships and making your baby shower a lot more enjoyable and memorable.

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