There are a variety of different early pregnancy test types that can be used to find out pregnancy earlier than traditional pregnancy tests. The most common early pregnancy test used by women currently is the home pregnancy testing kit. These tests can be purchased from drug stores and pharmacies and are a reliable form of early pregnancy test. A home pregnancy kit usually admits to be at least 97 percent accurate.

It is highly impossible that a positive result from an early pregnancy test would prove to be false. These home pregnancy kits, however, are not as accurate if you use them less than one week after a missed period. This is because the levels of hCG in the urine are diluted for the first few days of pregnancy and this can lead to hCG not being traced by some of the early pregnancy test kits.

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There is significance to the levels of hCG sensitivity, because some home pregnancy tests can detect lower levels of hCG than others.  This is the difference between the tests that can indicate pregnancy as soon as one day after a missed period, as opposed to those that can tell after you’re 7 days late.

In most cases, the sensitivity level won’t be outlined on the home pregnancy test packaging, so you’ll need to do a little research to find out which ones are capable of detecting the smallest amount of hCG. Read more . . .