We’ve all heard about high blood pressure, but some people see the stories portrayed in the media, and assume it is largely a male phenomenon, or is something rather laughable, like the angry boss with steam coming out of his ears.

But high blood pressure can be very serious, and if left untreated, it can cause harmful effects to most of the organs in the body.   It is always a good idea to have yours checked at least once a year even if you’ve never been diagnosed with  high blood pressure. Early detection of high blood pressure and its control is a main key to preventing damage to organs such as the heart and the kidneys. The kidneys play a major role in the blood pressure regulation. Read more . . .

Spice up your baby shower with some amusing baby-themed games!   A few games can make the celebration you throw for your baby  exciting and enjoyable.  Games add a little zip to any gathering,  and they help the attendees to feel at ease and get acquainted  with each other. Here are some examples of games you can play:


Have your guests choose two names for the baby. Ask them each to write the names they selected on a piece of paper (and tell them not to tell anyone else what the names are). Then advise them to try to come up with as many words as possible using just the letters from those two names. Words should be of 3 letters or more in length. They have to come up with as many words from these names as possible. Give the guests several minutes to complete this task. Read more . . .

Many women may be considering pregnancy following weight loss surgery. Before making major family planning decisions, it is important to know the associated health dangers with this, as well as whether it is the appropriate step for you to take and when you can take it. There are several guidelines available to help you decide when and if you should consider pregnancy following weight loss surgery.

The first 18 months following your surgery are not an ideal time for you to become pregnant. Your body is still enduring major physical transformations. You will be trying to know your optimal nutritional balance and your food intake is constantly changing. Your hormones will be imbalanced because of rapid changes happening in your body. This is why it is not optimal to become pregnant within the first 18 months post weight loss surgery.  Read more . . .

The way that you feel each week during your pregnancy can change amazingly. These changes can be due to a number of reasons but it is important that you monitor your pregnancy week by week to ensure that you and your baby are healthy.

Your doctor or midwife can observe your pregnancy week by week to accurately evaluate how your baby is growing. You may not have checkups during the early stages of your pregnancy each week but these appointments will definitely become more frequent towards the end of your pregnancy. Read more . . .

The first trimester covers from conception up to the 12th week of pregnancy. There are an assortment of ways that your body is changing throughout early pregnancy and adjusting to the embryo that is growing inside.

The most common sign of early pregnancy is that your periods will cease completely or may become remarkably light. This menstruation cessation is normally the symptom that most women take to mean that they are in the stages of early pregnancy.

The notorious morning sickness is another indication that many women experience during early pregnancy. The term ‘morning sickness’ is actually a bit misleading because many women feel nauseous or experience vomiting at different times throughout the day during their early pregnancy, not just in the morning. One method of alleviating this nausea is to eat small meals throughout the day, snack on crackers or dry toast, or drink  lemonade or juice during your early pregnancy. Ginger and ginger ale are also beneficial in soothing this uncomfortable portion of early pregnancy. Read more . . .