No matter how you look at it, breastfeeding is the best feeding alternative to keep your child strong and healthy. Breast milk, according to the experts, contains antibodies, proteins, and fats  that help protect your child from infection and disease. It also provides your child with enzymes that aid with his or her digestion.

Yet no matter how long the list of advantages is, there are still some mothers who can not do it because of time constraints or low milk production. Others combine breast milk and formula feeding. There are no known disadvantages to breastfeeding.  Instead, there are factors that may prevent some mothers from breastfeeding.  Here are a few of the Pros and cons of breastfeeding:

Mom breastfeeding her baby


1. Breast milk contains such nutrients as minerals, vitamins,   and an enzyme that aids in digestion and prevents diarrhea.

2. Breast milk contains antibodies that help babies fight off infections like otitis media and respiratory problems like bronchitis and meningitis. It has been found to reduce the intensity and incidence of atopic diseases. Babies who breastfeed seem to suffer from colds less frequently and have lesser incidents of colic.

3. Breastfeeding safeguards babies against Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), as well as sepsis in pre-term babies.

4. Breast milk is free — you save a lot of money not having to purchase formula.

5. The high protein content of breast milk helps in the development of the baby’s brain and may lead to higher IQ (as mentioned by a study which claims that breastfeeding can add as much as eight more points to the baby’s IQ).

6. Breastfeeding helps mothers lose weight and get back to their pre-pregnancy size.

7. Breastfeeding strengthens the bond between baby and mother

8. Breastfeeding reduces the mother’s risk of developing pre-menopausal breast and ovarian cancer.

9. Breast milk shields children from developing food allergies.

10. Breastfeeding helps the uterus get back to its pre-pregnancy size.

11. Breastfeeding is effective in fighting postpartum depression

12. Breastmilk is very convenient and readily available


1. Blood-borne viruses and  diseases like HIV and Hepatitis B  can sometimes be passed on from parent to child through breast milk. It is crucial that mothers have a thorough check-up prior to breastfeeding.

2. Babies who breastfeed have to be fed more frequently than those who drink formula.

3. Pumping milk can be hard and sometimes painful. It needs somewhat expensive pumps and numerous bottles.

4. Breastfeeding can sometimes be painful for the mother. A few mothers develop wounds and soreness on their nipples due to the baby’s strong sucking reflex.

5. Babies who breastfeed sleep for shorter periods of time compared with babies on formula.

6. There are periods when a mother just doesn’t produce enough milk. Some moms produce less milk than others. This is why there are mothers who choose to combine breast- and formula feeding.

Nutritionally speaking, it is clear that breastmilk is best for your child. Sadly, while breastfeeding is ideal, it is not something that some mothers can do. Examine your choices carefully when deciding between breastfeeding and formula feeding, and get advice from a physician or a lactation consultant. Lastly, only you know which choice is best for you.

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